This is such a glorious time of year, buds are bursting, the haunting refrain of the Curlew has returned and we look forward to our annual walk in beautiful Farndale along the banks of the gently meandering River Dove to see the spectacle of thousand upon thousand of beautiful iconic bright little wild daffodils nod and shake and dance.

The Path along the River Dove

It’s an easy walk and fun for children and the dog too.

Each year between mid March and Mid April the already delightful walk along the burbling River Dove in beautiful Farndale is transformed into an enchanted walkway of colour, movement and light. An easy 3.5 mile stone path runs along the river bank between Low Mill and Church Houses allowing stunning views of the valley, moor tops and fields that at this time of year are being populated by new lambs.The extremely popular Daffy Caffy just ‘pops up’ at this time of year, ready with a welcome cuppa and home made Yorkshire cakes and scones and the Feversham Arms Pub at Church Houses. At the Low Mill end the ‘Band Room’ is manned by locals who will also ply you with tea from a massive pot and cakes and biscuits galore!

Farndale's River Dove banks awash with wild daffodils

A carpet of wild daffodils stretch across the banks of Farndale’s meandering River Dove

Check out the ‘Band Room’ for another occasion as well. Home to a small music venue known as the greatest small venue on earth”!  Quote from their website:-“We’ve had people fly over from Hong Kong to see a show at The Band Room. A couple of guys flew in from Ohio to see The Groundhogs. And a Russian music fan showed up with his Hungarian girlfriend to see a band they had missed at Glastonbury. What’s so special about the venue? We think it’s because everyone’s blown away by the beauty of the location, the purity of the acoustic, the instantaneously magical atmosphere of a little wood-panelled room with no noisy bar to contend with (you bring your own drinks) where, after the show, and sometimes during the interval, you invariably walk out under a pristine black velvet Dark Sky crackling with billions of stars…Any astro-tourists out there? Bring your binoculars!”     I


Farndale’s hidden gems

Thought to have been planted along the banks of the Dove by medieval Monks from Rievaulx Abbey these lovely wild daffodils Narcissus pseudonarcissus) actually grow throughout the moors, hidden jewels along shady banks.

The North York Moors National Park can show you lots of stunning beautiful walks of a similar distance and you can download their free walks check them out here so you can get out and ‘explore of the moor’ this Easter.

Walks from Crag House Farm

Tucked away in quiet little spots

Narcissus pseudonarcissus